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Though shaving one’s hair dates back to prehistoric times, the buzzcut is a distinct style that shouldn’t be confused with simply going bald. A buzzcut involves an ultra-short haircut, often done with electric clippers without a guard, achieving the closest cut possible while keeping some hair intact. Traditionally, it’s characterized by closely cropped sides and a slightly longer, geometric shape on top, creating a subtle lift. However, today’s buzzcuts embrace a more relaxed approach, emphasizing simplicity and boldness over rigid form.

The Origins: Buzzcuts in the Roman Empire

The earliest instances of buzzcuts can be traced back to the soldiers of the Roman Empire, established in 27 BCE. According to The Encyclopedia of Hair by Victoria Sherrow, Roman soldiers sported short hairstyles that mirrored the style of civilian men in their society, distinguishing them from other ancient warriors, like Scandinavian Vikings or Celtic soldiers, who wore their hair long. This short style set Roman soldiers apart and reflected their disciplined and pragmatic approach.

A Practical Choice in the 19th Century

The buzzcut made a resurgence in the 1800s among new recruits in the French Foreign Legion, founded in 1831, where soldiers were required to keep their hair extremely short—about half a millimeter long. This style was enforced for cleanliness and to prevent lice but was relaxed once training ended. This strict military grooming standard eventually paved the way for the buzzcut’s role in modern armed forces.
